you can call me heather, cheryl, or ame if you need an actual name
my pronouns are that thing/it/she/he, in order of preference - you can also use they/them (plural) but i would prefer if you stick to the other ones

my identity is extremely fluid, the name, pronouns, etc that i use can change extremely easily, and sometimes even multiple times in a day - but for a baseline you can refer to the above

my personality / general mood can change day to day, sometimes i can be apathetic about everything and the next day i can be bouncing off the walls, don't get too worried about this

i'm a minor - 15 to be exact :)

i'm diagnosed with autism, and highly suspect that i might have ADHD... there's probably something else going on up there, too

i call myself other/fictionkin as i identify heavily with fictional characters, animals, etc, but i don't think i really fit any definition, i'll go more into depth about this on another page

i use the pro-ship label because i am anti-censorship and anti-harassment, for the most part i don't care about discourse

i am a selfshipper, i use it to cope and also take it very seriously, i see most of my fictional others as actual partners, if you're mean about this you will not survive the winter

in terms of sexuality, i mostly identify as greysexual and fictoromantic, and i consider myself a lesbian because i still have aesthetic attraction to women

gender is extremely confusing to me, but i have a desire to label and describe everything about myself for some reason, i like to call myself a girlboy, mostly because i like how it sounds

thanks for sitting through my yap session :)